State of WebXR: What do you need to know today for building Web Mixed Reality Applications
IB401 15:00 ~ 16:00 英語The virtual world is cluttered. No other way to put it. We have VR, AR, MR, XR and more technologies and jargons than ever before. But what does it all mean for a developer? How are they relevant? Do we need to go back to learning new technologies to build on each platform, or we keep on iterating on new technologies till industry and users fix their mind on one. And why now? In this session we will try to answer three question. a. Where all this VR,AR,MR,XR are different, or are they? b. Why now? c. And what do we need to know to build the experience Come to the talk to learn how we at Mozilla Mixed Reality team are bridging the gap between all these technologies and bringing the power back to open web. Build your WebVR apps using aframe, build WebAR apps without markers using WebXR api's without any vendor lock-in. And how you can help, be part of the journey