OpenStreetMap x Wikidata
Overpass API/ Turbo 入門:地理資訊應用
IB503 13:20 ~ 13:55 漢語保安!保安!可以讓人家這樣講了又講、 講了又講、講了又講、講了又講的嗎!?這怎麼看啦! 雖然算是老調重彈,但我們今年一樣來講一下 OpenStreetMap 的圖資應用, 儘可能地以輕鬆淺明的方式說明 Overpass API 和 Overpass Turbo , 以及相關的生活應用。本議程將以臺灣華語輕鬆地進行。 Well, I've blown a hell of a lot up on the left. Oh, well, it'll probably be fine. I imagine no-one'll notice. No. Although it's the same old song and dance, we're going to introduce Overpass API and Overpass Turbo again in a less technical, more plain-word approach, hopefully. The programme will be conducted in Taiwanese Mandarin, tempo comodo.